Qi Gong in english – Budapest Vol.2

csikung budapest

időpont: 2022. április 09. 09:00 – 2022. április 10. 17:00

helyszín: Budapest - Csepel

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Qi Gong in english.
All english speaking attendants are very welcomed. Our work will be twofold and compatible with any and everyone.
Those who attended Vol.1 will greatly benefit from deepening their intellectual and experimental understanding in Qi Gong, meanwhile they will be introduced to set of excercises. According to the plan, 5 Element Qi gong ( Wu Xing Qigong ) will be presented and we practise as much as we can during those 2 days.
Wu Xing Qigong is brilliant for:
– harmonizing our transformative phases, the 5 main energetic transformational energies ( Qi ) .
– studying and deepening qigong and nei gong principles that determine the effectiveness of our practise.
Location: Karate Dojo, Csepel – Budapest.
Saturday, Sunday: 9:00-17:00 with 1h30 min lunch time.
Sign up:
– can finalize it with the payment of the course ( 30000 HUF ),
– deadline is 2nd of April.
Thank you very much! Looking forward for another great qigong event in english, if it is anyway similar to Vol.1, it will be awesome.
– pregnancy,
– intoxication,
– psychological disorders, medication,
– other medical indications , so attendance is not advised by your docotr, medical practitioner or chinese medicine doctor.