Nei Gong – Vienna – Austria September, 2023

nei gong vienna september

időpont: 2023. szeptember 23. 09:00 – 2023. szeptember 25. 17:00

helyszín: International Academy for Hara Shiatsu - Mariahilferstr. 115 (im Hof) 1060 Austria, Wien

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Nei gong course in Vienna, Austria.

Event specification:
Foundations of bodywork and nei gong energetic principles.


We are going to study:
– nei gong theories ( body-mind connectiion, Qi, cosmology, energetic „anatomy”- for example: lower dan tien and channels ),
– body: work out, streching, preparation, release,
– how to stand correctly, how to move the body part correctly,
– breath work and release,
– effective listening as skill and its relation to release and internal arts,
– from correct standing transfer principles into moving, such as : Qigong and Dao Yin excercises,
– proper lower dan tien location and understanding of its importance, effectiveness and interaction with body.


This particular course , due to its location also aimed mainly shiatsu students and teachers, but it is opened for anyone interested in daoist internal arts. We have limited spaces so, all together it is possible for max. 20 participants to register. Please keep it in mind and book your spot.


Working hours:
– Saturday and Sunday: 9:00-17:00 with lunch break.
– Monday :8:00-16:00


Date: 23rd-25th of September, 2023
Location: Internal Academy for Hara Shiatsu
Optional 2day or 3 day participation.
Course fee: 160 euro / 2 day and 240 / 3 day
– registration is final with the payment of the fee. Please contain your invoice informations also, in email.


In case there is difficulty for you with course fee, please email me, and let us discuss, I always have room for support.


Nei gong practise can be demaning physicly and mentally, emotionally. ( Besides all it is much fun also )
We dont recommend nei gong practise during pregnancy, or under age 18.
Smoking, drug usage, alcohol usage is prohibited. Intoxicated, agressive, or not proper behaviour is not allowed and the person will be removed from the course immediately. We dont recommend participation with certain type of mental illnesses and heart issues as they could escalate with nei gong practise.
Make sure you arrive to the course well rested and nourished, drink plenty of water during the course and consider doing the excercises with common sense in case of known injuries.


Adam Molnar ( Lotus Nei Gong affiliated member )
– qigong instructor , shiatsu therapist, swimming and triathlon coach, owner of Dao Neigong