Qigong practise | effective

2025 dao neigong budapest vienna practise

Qigong practise | effective

We created many problems and many solutions to these problems. Different ages have their different trends. There are few universal practises that doesn’t change fundamentally.

When solutions creat more problems, mind is looped into this paradigm, and in delusion of this rewarding mechanism. Meanwhile for thousand of years there are rare practises that cut through this plane of problematics, since human nature is given and its structure is mapped out.
Qigong is not the solution, it is such practise that cuts through, according to our level of being the actual loops.

The well known standing qigong excercises can be practised in an effective or a non-effective way regarding the above issue. Once it is truly effective it cuts through these loops and set conditions. This is key, as the original teachings helps us toward effective practise, and thus modifying our conditions.
Life difficulties were tried to be solved by made up solution, yet it proves effective if according to Tao we practise diligently. It is simple, conditions will change, thus outcomes will change.

Qi is the pivot for most of the changes, in therapy , in alchemy and in qigong. Cannot be modernized, because it is universal, it may be found rather. Hence our mindset must be shaped, and follow methods, than transform and change and re-understand. In a continious flow and transformation.

Life causes a lot of ups and downs, we are getting confused by identifying with them, Qigong practise cut through these and realign us, toward our truer nature without trying to solve the ups and downs. That seems to be key to me.

Simply: when day after day i practise qigong, through these years i had to realize it re-aligns me and as a byproduct help coping. Furthermore helps stay in direction and in case of spiritual cultivation it aids the process.